
BlogElite is a website created by Morgan (whose personal blog you can find at Zwinkyness) and which mainly serves as an archive and article website. Here she hosts all her articles and tutorials regarding weblogging. Most of these tutorials and such appeal to WordPress (either on WP.com or on the blogging script which one can install on his own server and happends to have the same name). This website also contains lots of resources regarding WP Plugins, useful articles and nice Themes. My main advice for you is just to browse around a bit to get used to think.

Due to WP.com lacking the ability to install more plugins, Series are currently coded by hand; therefore links might be missing or broken in a series. I apologise for this inconveniency.

Although BlogElite claims to be an ‘Elite’ website, our main goal is to help everyone reach some form of standard with their website. We offers ways to help people out, useful links, interesting articles, etc. If the things provided on this site do not make you as elitist as you would like to be, we suggest you try it somewhere else.

If you have any questions, feel free to use the contact form and shoot us a message. We will respond asap. Thank you for reading.